IMAGE: Excel In Minutes Tips and Tricks from The Excel Addict - Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

May 15, 2019
Hi fellow Excel Addict,
As you can see, I'm still working on my 'non-Excel' project. From Monday to Friday I have to drive an hour outside of town to get there. That's why my newsletters have been coming so irregularly for the past couple of months.

Also, in the past two weeks I have lost my helper so I am working on my own now.

But, after three months things are finally beginning to take shape on the inside...
Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at

Excel Dashboards Course

Imaging being able to create an interactive, point-and-click dashboard right in your Excel workbook, which you can update, filter, change criteria and produce up-to-the-minute reports in just seconds with a few mouse clicks.

Who could you impress with that?

Don't you think your boss would rather be getting flexible reports like these rather than the typical hard-to-update, static spreadsheets?

Just remember to enter the code EXCELADDICT on the Checkout page.

If you know someone else who may be interested in learning about Excel Dashboards too, do them a favour and forward this information to them NOW.

I hope you find this week's 'Excel In Minutes' tip helpful.

If you like this weeks tip, please share it and recommend your colleagues and any other Excel users you know to sign up for my newsletter.

Keep on Excelling,
Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)
Email:  fhayes[AT]

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Having a positive attitude can help us in difficult times.
I hope today's quote will help you realize a positive attitude today.

Quote of the Day

"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty."

-- Doris Day --

If you have a favourite quote, send it to me and I may post it in my newsletter.


Calculating Elapsed Time Extracted From Text Strings

This week I received an email from Lori who was having some trouble working with data she downloaded from their new computer system. Lori is with the sheriff's department and one of the reports she prepares calculates elapsed time between 'dispatch time' and 'on-scene time'. Problem is, the data she is getting from their new system has the times formatted in 6-character text strings and are separate from the dates.

Times In Text Format in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

In this example, you can see that the first dispatch time (cell B2) is 5:41:13 PM and the on-scene time (cell D2) is 5:47:57 PM.

Here is the solution I suggested for Lori...

Step 1: Extract the 'dispatch time' from the text string

To convert a 6-digit text string to a time value you have to extract each part (hours, minutes, seconds) and put them into a TIME function.

TIME(hour, minute, second)

You could use LEFT(B2,2) to extract to left 2 characters, MID(B2,3,2) to extract the middle 2 characters and RIGHT(B2,2) to extract the right 2 characters.

But, personally, I prefer to use the MID function to extract all of the parts from a text string. I think it's simpler to understand because you are using the same function for all parts.

Extract Time From Text String in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

So for the first CALL DISPATCH TIME use the formula…


(see alternate time_formula below)

MID(B2,1,2): From cell B2, start at the 1st character and extract 2 characters.
MID(B2,3,2): From cell B2, start at the 3rd character and extract 2 characters.
MID(B2,5,2): From cell B2, start at the 5th character and extract 2 characters.

This will give you TIME(17,41,13) or 5:41:13 PM in cell E2.

Step 2: Format the result as Time

Now, you will need to format this cell as Time.

From the Home tab, click the Number format dropdown, click More number formats..., choose Custom at the bottom of the Category list and type hh:mm: ss in the Type field.
Apply Time Format in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

Step 3: Combine the date and time for elapsed time that spans multiple days

When you are calculating elapsed times that could span multiple days, you'll need to use both the date and time in your calculation.

Simply add the date from cell A2 to the time formula in E2 to get both the date and time into one cell.


(see alternate date_time_formula below)

Now you'll need to format that cell with a date & time format.  I used a custom number format dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.

If you prefer, you can use an AM/PM time format (e.g. mmm-yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM)

Apply Date And Time Format in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365
Step 4: Copy this formula to extract the 'on-scene' date and time

Now you can copy the formula (cell E2) to get the result for the 'on-scene' date and time.

You'll need to copy it two columns to the right (cell G2) so the cell references in the formula will adjust to refer to the date and time cells two columns to the right (C and D).

Formula in cell E2: =A2+TIME(MID(B2,1,2),MID(B2,3,2),MID(B2,5,2))

Same formula when copied to cell G2: =C2+TIME(MID(D2,1,2),MID(D2,3,2),MID(D2,5,2))

Copied Formula Adjusts Cell References in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365
Step 5: Calculate elapsed time

Now, in column H, you can calculate the elapsed time simply by subtracting the DISPATCH date and time (E2) from the ONSCENE date and time (G2).

Give that cell a TIME format hh:mm:ss and now you’ve calculated the elapsed time from the DISPATCH to the ONSCENE in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Simple Formula To Calculate Elapsed Time in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

Elapsed times greater than 24 hours
If your elapsed time could result in greater than 24 hours, you will need to modify the time format by wrapping the hours code in square brackets.


Alternate Formulas

After originally posting this tip, I received the following suggestion from Microsoft Excel MVP, Rick Rothstein with a shorter version of my formulas above.

As for your latest “Excel in Seconds” tip ("Calculating Elapsed Time Extracted From Text Strings"), here is a much shorter formula for you to consider…

time_formula: =0+TEXT(B2,"00\:00\:00")

The backward slashes are 'escape' characters that tell the TEXT function that the next character should be treated as just a character without any meaning that TEXT might normally apply to it. TEXT considers the colon as a time meta-character which, if used with 0's (the meta-character for digits) would be inconsistent and generate an error. By 'escaping' the colon, TEXT does not try to interpret it… it simply places it in the output as a character.

When you calculate the date/time combination for use in calculating the elapsed time, you can eliminate the addition of the 0…

date_time_formula: =A2+TEXT(B2,"00\:00\:00")

For more details on Rick's method click here.


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8 Lexington Place, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada, A1X 6A2 Phone: 709-834-4630