IMAGE: Excel In Seconds Tips and Tricks from The Excel Addict - Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 365
May 23, 2019
Hi fellow Excel Addict,
Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to check out my 'Excel in Seconds' tip this week.

Today's tip is something that not a lot of Excel users know. After reading this tip many will say, "Oh, so that's what that is for!" Curious? Keep on reading.

But first, many of my readers say they love to see the pictures I share from my part of the world — Newfoundland, Canada.

Newfoundland is both beautiful and cruel.

Here is a beautiful sunset I captured this past Sunday. It was such a beautiful evening.

Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at

Unfortunately, three days later the weather took a turn for the worse and a cold northerly wind swept in and brought us some big wet snow flakes. Thankfully not enough to accumulate on the ground though.

Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at

It's only two months away from the middle of our summer and we are still getting snow?! Now, that's cruel.

But, right now I can look over my shoulder through my home office window and see a majestic iceberg. So it's not all bad living this far north.

Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at


I just want to remind all my Excel Addict subscribers that tonight (Thursday, May 23, 2019) is the last chance to enroll in Mynda's Excel Dashboards course.

Sorry for the late reminder. This newsletter was supposed to go out yesterday.

I will never recommend any course unless I know it is TOP NOTCH and will be of tremendous benefit to you, my reader. More than 1,200 Excel Addict readers have already taken and benefited from Mynda's courses on my recommendation. If you don't want to miss out...

Also, two FREE Dashboard Webinars (one is BRAND NEW)

If you haven't seen any of Mynda's Dashboard webinars before, she is running two webinars this week. One is BRAND NEW!

Moth Dashboard Power Bi Webinars 1905 in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

If you know anyone else who may be interested in learning about Excel Dashboards, please forward this newsletter to them.

After originally posting my "Calculating Elapsed Time Extracted From Text Strings" tip last week, I received a suggestion from Microsoft Excel MVP, Rick Rothstein for a shorter version of my formulas. If you found my tip helpful, maybe you would consider Rick's alternative formulas. Click here for for more details.

Rick also suggested a shorter formula for my A Formula To Find The Nth Nday Of Each Month" tip from two weeks ago. You can check that one out here.

If you like my 'Excel in Seconds' tip this week, please share it and recommend your colleagues and any other Excel users you know to sign up for my newsletter.

Keep on Excelling,
Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)
Email:  fhayes[AT]

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Having a positive attitude can help us in difficult times.
I hope today's quote will help you have a positive attitude today.

Quote of the Day

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me."

-- Carol Burnett --

If you have a favourite quote, send it to me and I may post it in my newsletter.


Drag To Adjust Formula Cell References

You've probably noticed that when you double click a cell containing a formula or click in the Formula Bar, the cell references in the formula and the borders displayed around the corresponding cells are color-coded which makes it easy to see which cells your formula refers to.

Something that you may not know is that you can adjust your formulas by dragging those colored borders.

Yes you REALLY can!

So, rather than update cell references directly in the formula, instead you can either...

1) Point to the edge of the colored border and drag to move the reference to a different cell or range. The formula will adjust accordingly;

Move Colored Borders Around Formula Cell References in Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 365

2) Point to the corner of the colored border around the cells and drag the sizing handles to adjust the size of the referenced range of cells.

Drag Colored Borders To Modify Formula Cell References in Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 365
Just give it a try.

To share this tip with your friends and
colleagues, choose one of these options...


Drag To Adjust Formula Cell References

Disclosure: Some of the resources I recommend on my website and in my newsletter pay me a small referral commission if you purchase from them through links on my website or using my referral code. This helps offset the costs of my website. I've worked long and hard to build up my reputation online over the past 10 years as someone who provides exceptional value to my readers. So I'm not willing to risk that. As you know, I don’t just recommend anything. It has to be of outstanding quality and value. If you are EVER not completely satisfied with anything I recommend, please let me know and you will get your money...GUARANTEED. You can't lose.
"Spreadsheets Tips From An Excel Addict" is a weekly publication of
Copyright Francis J. Hayes All Rights Reserved.
8 Lexington Place, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada, A1X 6A2 Phone: 709-834-4630