IMAGE: Excel In Minutes Tips and Tricks from The Excel Addict - Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

August 27, 2020
Hi fellow Excel Addict,
I hope you are keeping safe.

Seeing so many crises happening all around the world, I feel so grateful to live in Newfoundland, Canada where mostly our biggest complaint is too much rain and wind.

But even that hasn't been a problem this summer as our weather has been fantastic — lots of hot days, just enough rain and not much wind.

And even when we do get some bad weather, this is the result.

Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at

Now who can complain about that?

I hope you like my tip today. Please share it on social media and with your colleagues and any other Excel users you know.

And while you're at it, please recommend that they sign up for my newsletter.

Have a great day and keep on Excelling,
Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)
Email:  fhayes[AT]


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Having a positive attitude can help us in difficult times.
I hope today's quote will help you foster a positive attitude today.

Quote of the Day

"Problems are not stop signs.
They are guidelines"

-- Robert H. Schuller --

If you have a favourite quote, send it to me and I may post it in my newsletter.



Combine Data From Multiple Cells Into One Cell On Separate Lines

Sometimes we are given data in multiple cells that we need to put into a single cell on separate lines.

Data In Separate Columns in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

There's a formula for that !

1) Select the cell where you want to put the combined data (e.g. H2).

2) Start your formula by typing an equal sign (=), them select the first cell you want to combine.

3) Type an ampersand (&), then a space between double quotes (" ") used as a separator, then another ampersand, then click the second cell you want to combine. For example =A2&" "&B2.

4) Where you want to the data to break onto a separate line in the cell, type &CHAR(10)&. CHAR(10) is the character represented by ASCII code 10, which is a line break.

In this example we join cell A1 and B1 on the first line of cell H2, however we want the data from cell C2 to be on a separate line, so we type &CHAR(10)&C2.

5) If you want to use a comma, type &", "&.

Combine Data From Multiple Columns Into One Cell On Separate Lines in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365
The completed formula in cell H2 is...

=A2&" " &B2&CHAR(10) &C2& CHAR(10) &D2 & ", " &E2 & CHAR(10) &F2

Make sure the cell/column containing the combined text has Word Wrap (on Home tab) turned on.

Try it yourself with this PRACTICE FILE.

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Combine Data From Multiple Cells Into One Cell On Separate Lines

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8 Lexington Place, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada, A1X 6A2 Phone: 709-834-4630