IMAGE: Excel In Minutes Tips and Tricks from The Excel Addict - Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365

September 16, 2020
Hi fellow Excel Addict,
Francis Hayes - TheExcelAddict.comI hope you are having a great week.

You've probably noticed that I haven't been sending out my newsletters regularly.


I've had a bunch of personal projects going on lately that have been taking up all my time.

I know. I know. That's just an excuse.

And on top of that, next week I am going to Alberta for two weeks to visit my granddaughter Gracie (and family) who I haven't seen in 9 months.

Video chatting just doesn't cut it.

I will try my best to keep the tips coming.

On the pandemic front, here in Newfoundland things are probably as good as anywhere in the world.

But with the kids gone back to school, even I'm a little anxious now.

Please, please, please, STAY SAFE!!

Francis Hayes - Learn to work smarter with Excel at

I hope you like my tip today. Please share it on social media and with your colleagues and any other Excel users you know.

And while you're at it, please recommend that they sign up for my newsletter.

Have a great day and keep on Excelling,
Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)
Email:  fhayes[AT]


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Having a positive attitude can help us in difficult times.
I hope today's quote will help you foster a positive attitude today.

Quote of the Day

"The greatest day in your life and mine is
when we take total responsibility for our attitudes.
That's the day we truly grow up."

-- John C. Maxwel --

If you have a favourite quote, send it to me and I may post it in my newsletter.



Add Descriptive Text To Your Custom Number Formats

One option you have to combine text and numbers in the same cell is to use the TEXT function to format the number part and use an ampersand (&) to concatenate the descriptive text and the number, such as with this formula....

="Report due " & TEXT(A4,"dddd mmmm d, yyyy")

Text And Formatted Number In Same Cell in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365
Another option is to include the descriptive text within a custom number format.

You simply create your number format and type the text you want to display in double quotes within the number format code.

The following custom number format will give you the same result as the formula above...

"Report due " dddd mmmm d, yyyy

Add Descriptive Text To Custom Number Formats in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 365

You can see in the example above, the additional text 'Report due' is typed in double quotes within the number formatting code in the Type field.

One of the advantages adding text to number formats is that the value in the cell is not affected.

You can still sort, filter, and reference the cells in your formulas.

Use Custom Number Format To Show Units Next To Numbers in Microsoft Excel 2007 2010 2013 2016 365

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colleagues, choose one of these options...

Add Descriptive Text To Your Custom Number Formats

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"Spreadsheets Tips From An Excel Addict" is a weekly publication of
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8 Lexington Place, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada, A1X 6A2 Phone: 709-834-4630